Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Tiga Kali mencoba Banding ke Google Untuk Mengaktifkan Adsense Kembali

Huhh... Ternyata Google sangat marah besar apabila kita melanggar TOS atau Persyaratan dari penayangan sebagai publisher. Yahhh, saya contohnya. Untuk meningkatkan earning atau pendapatan dari adsense saya mencoba trik mengklik iklan sendiri dengan menggunakan SSH PROXY Client. Hari pertama sampai hari ke enam trik ini belum diketahui google, namun saat mau menerima pengiriman PIN proot ada tuh email yang mengatakan adsense anda telah di dissable atau di nonaktifkan.

Untuk teman-teman blogger yang bermain adsense, sebaiknya jangan mengikuti langkah saya dikarenakan berbahaya buat akun adsense teman-teman blogger. Ikuti lah persyaratan dan peraturan yang diberikan oleh google, jangan sampai nantinya bernasib dengan saya, he..he. 

Nanti mau mencoba lagi dengan akun yang lain untuk mendaftar google adsense, semoga tidak akan terjadi hal-hal seperti ini lagee... Salam semua.

Gini nieh email semprott dari adsense :

Google AdSense Account Disabled


With our advertising programs, we strive to create an online ecosystem that 
benefits publishers, advertisers and users. For this reason, we sometimes 
have to take action against accounts that demonstrate behavior toward users 
or advertisers that may negatively impact how the ecosystem is perceived. 
In your case, we have detected invalid activity on your site and your 
account has been disabled.

We're limited in the amount of information we can provide about your 
specific violation. We understand this can be frustrating for you, but 
we've taken these precautionary measures because intentional violators can 
use this information to circumvent our detection systems.

In some cases, publishers can make significant changes to correct the 
violation and are willing to comply with the AdSense program policies 
(google.com/adsense/policies). For this reason, we offer an appeals process 
as an opportunity to work with you to resolve the issue. To help you with 
the process, we’ve created a list of the top reasons for account closure 
for you to review before submission at 
http://support.google.com/adsense/bin/answer.py?answer=2660562. Please be 
sure to provide a thorough analysis in your appeal, which you can submit at 
and we will follow up accordingly.

Thanks for your understanding,
The Google AdSense Team

Semoga bermanfaat buat teman-teman blogger. Salam...

Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

Jengkol, Jadi Pembicaraan di Komisi IV DPR

Siapa yang tak mengenal makanan khas rendang ala padang ini, Jengkol. Menggugah selera saat makan. Namun jangan kebanyakan, karena saat ini harga Jengkol di pasaran lagi naik, cekidoT!

Komisi IV DPR bidang pertanian angkat bicara mengenai kenaikan harga jengkol. Wakil Ketua Komisi IV Herman Khaeron mengatakan harga jengkol naik karena tanaman tersebut bersifat musiman.  

"Boleh jadi memang sedang langka sehingga harga naik," kata Herman ketika dikonfirmasi, Rabu (5/6/2013).
Namun, Herman mengatakan jengkol bukanlah makanan primer dan bumbu-bumbuan. "Tentunya kalau naik ya engga usah dibeli," tuturnya.

Sementara anggota Komisi IV Romahurmuziy mengatakan kenaikan jengkol memang karakter komoditas hortikultura.

"Naik turun harga karena naik turun pasokan," imbuhnya.
Ia pun menyarankan masyarakat tidak memakan jengkol dulu karena bukan makanan pokok.
"Kalau sudah normal, boleh makan lagi," imbuhnya. 

Harga jengkol di sejumlah wilayah Indonesia terutama Jawa naik menjadi Rp 50 ribu per Kg.
Diberitakan Tribunnews.com kemarin, di Pasar Singaparna Tasikmalaya misalnya telah sebulan ini pedagang tidak mendapat pasokan jengkol.

Harga jengkol di pasar itu terakhir mencapai Rp 40 ribu per Kg lebih mahal dari harga ayam Rp 28 ribu per Kg.

source : yahoo.com

Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Best Tamplate Blogger Responsive TOP 2013

Templete yang Responsive dalam pembuatan Blog sangat diperlukan. Templete yang responsive biasanya telah Full Seo, dengan loading yang ringan dan berkarakter mudah untuk pengeditannya. Apa saja tamplate Resposive Seo Page pada tahun 2013 ini, berikut yang mungkin jadi pilihan sobat Blogger :
  • Blogholic
Blogholic is a very differently styled template designed by Borneo Templates. Having a  very classy look with neat layout section ,it contains  a very stylish label widget.  It is a responsive template consisting of a well placed drop down menu. A good template to have indeed.
                Demo                                            Download


  • Metro Classic
Metro classic is the latest template that a site has launched. You guessed it right. 
Obvious, it has to be Templateism. Having an excellent layout and responsive design, this template reminds us of the looks of  Windows 8. The color mixture of this template also is very impressive and most importantly it is SEO Friendly, which has a great role to play nowadays in blogs and websites.
Metro Classic Responsive Blogger Template
Metro Classic
                    Demo                                                          Download   

  • MaxMag 
MaxMag was one of the most used template once it was released back in February. This template as well has been released by Templateism and is adapted from Wordpress. Consisting of nice sticky floating drop down menu and beautifully coded search box, this template is SEO Friendly and fully responsive. Ads Banner present on the top allows users to customize the theme even more with beautiful banners. It also has a additional menu bar consisting of recent posts as a slideshow. Many more features will be known once you use it.
MaxMag Responsive Blogger Template
          Demo                                                          Download

  • Bresponsive
Bresponsive is another premium responsive template designed and released by Spicytricks. This template undoubtedly has a very simple and neat layout. Consisting of a featured posts slider, this template is also adapted from Wordpress with a nice drop-down menu. It also configures a beautiful threaded comment section and most importantly it has a responsive design along with SEO friendly features.
bresponsive blogger template,blogger template,new blogger template,download,blogger
                Demo                                                          Download

  • MetroMinimalist
Metro Minimalist Blogger Template is a free blogger template which uses the Metro User Interface as seen in Windows 8. This template is nicely coded with CSS3 effects and the  black and white type hover effect make this template very popular. Actually, this was the template of our blog before we changed it to our new template. Very nice theme for cartoons, picture quizzes etc.
                   Demo                                                          Download

  • Sensational
The most well known template and very well made by Blogtipsntricks. It is one of the best template ever converted to blogger with extraordinary features. It has a responsive design along with a flexible slider on the top. Also consisting of a beautiful layout, this template has been adapted from wordpress. Other features are dropdown menu, tabview ready, banner ads ready,SEO Optimized, social widget ready. One of the best template to download.
Sensational Responsive Blogger Template

                      Demo                                                          Download

 Semoga bermanfaat buat teman-teman Blogger semua. Salam...

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